Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A short story about jewellery.

As nothing world shaking is happening at the moment on the global fashion market and we are all just wait for the beginning of Mercedes Benz Australian Fashion Week on April 30th, today’s topic is again a historical one.
I was wondering what deep history and backgrounds are behind the jewellery we wear, and after some long research I can briefly summarize the history of jewellery and of course offer you the appropriate Magnolia Items for each date. Magnolia simply is timeless!

Archaeologists found jewellery or rather ornaments that conduced to adornment made of shells. These ornaments can be dated 100 000 years before our time! 

RRP $ 116

6000 years ago the world was no longer reliant to leafs, bones, shells, teeth and insects to us as jewellery. Mankind discovers the manufacture of metals and so the era of nature jewellery ended.

RRP $ 38

At the time of the Greco-Roman ancient world jewellery had become a status symbol. In the hierarchy of the Roman and the Greco cultures only the important had the right and the permission the wear beautiful gold jewellery. For poorer people it was not forbidden but at least they hadn’t the money for gold and silver manufactured ornaments. Rings for example had been a symbol of playing a more or less important role in political activity of the government. 

RRP $ 99

With the upcoming popularity of the Christian belief the use of ornaments in churches grew. Until today we can see in Christian churches in Europe a lot of gold and complex adornments at the sanctuaries. Until today believers wear the cross as symbol of their religious belief.

RRP $ 149

Not until the 19th century had jewellery been an ornament for everybody’s daily use. With large scale productions the popularity escalated and this stayed at least until now. Almost every person around the world has jewellery. Of course it is still worn because of different reasons but basically jewellery is one of the most popular items around the world. No matter if you like it simple and timeless:

RRP $ 62

Or if you like it extravagant:

RRP $ 92

Jewellery is timeless and stays timeless!

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